Pest Control Services in Pune

Pests like ants, cockroaches, termites, and spiders damage property and spread certain infections. You can get rid of them by calling a pest control service. However, there are some ways by which you can control and prevent pests.

How can you prevent pests?

  • Keeping the kitchen clean :

Pest happens more in a damp and dirty atmosphere. To stop pest infestation, you have to keep the drawers, kitchen counters, stove-top, and racks clean. You can also use a disinfectant cleaner. This will help reduce the pests in the house and eliminate the infestation of the pest.

  • Disposing of the garbage regularly :

You need to dispose of garbage regularly. Due to the accumulation of garbage, it can result in a cockroach, rat, and rodent infestation. Even when rotten particles of food are present, they can cause some diseases.

  • Maintaining your garden :

If you have a garden or lawn, fill in pots or holes where water can collect. Pruning the plants will help to allow bushy and wild growths. You have to keep it clean to eliminate pests such as ants, rats, and mosquitoes.

  • Sealing openings and cracks :

You can seal openings and cracks. This will help keep away pests like rats that enter through these openings.

How can you control pests?

  • Chemical :

It uses pesticides to destroy organisms like insects. They are easier than biological pest control methods. For instance, repellants help eliminate pests that fly or crawl and insecticides that deter insects. However, they can harm your surrounding environment.

  • Biological :

It uses living organisms to destroy pests. This can be for parasites, pathogens, and predators. They do not utilize any kind of toxic chemicals. Hence, this does not harm the environment.

Conclusion :

We have listed all the ways that you can control pests. For further information, contact UFMS at Pune.